来源:本站 时间:2020/1/2 15:03:30 次数:
邹礼泉1 刘干2
Research of Rebuilding & Application for Traffic Guiding System of Nanjing Inner Ring Expressway
Zou Liquan1 , Liu Gan2
Abstract: Traffic Guiding Systems are links among human, vehicles and roadways. At mean time, the traffic guiding system of expressway is not in good condition and becomes relative lagging which restrict the functional development of whole city road network. The replacement of expressway for old districts is normally reconstructed on the basis of existing road system over a long period of time and section by section. The design & setting up of traffic guiding system are lacking integral consideration on adjacent road network which directly affect the efficiency and order of expressway. This paper analyses existing problems of Nanjing inner ring expressway and proposes plan for replacement of traffic guiding system by defining road management name, specifying road guiding principle and innovating optical mode. This research will provide experience for similar projects.
Key words:replacement of expressway, traffic guiding system, self-luminous, functional improvement
0 引言
南京市快速内环路(以下称快速内环)始建于上世纪90年代,规划的“井”字形快速内环路,位于长江以南、绕城公路(二环快速路)以内区域,以新庄立交、古平岗立交、赛虹桥立交、双桥门立交4个互通立交为顶点,环绕南京老城主要区域,并放射状连接绕城公路。2014年 “井”字形环线已基本成形,8条放射连接线(2条未建成)中,5条连接绕城公路,3条连接长江大桥、扬子江隧道(2015年通车)、南京长江隧道等3条过江通道。快速内环线主线双向6车道,设计车速60km/h(南线高架80km/h)。(图1)
图1 南京快速内环示意图